You got questions? We got answers.
what does acupuncture treat? Well known in the US for its pain relieving properties, acupuncture also is effective for a wide variety of conditions. It has been endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These bodies have declared acupuncture an effective treatment for the following conditions:
Addictions, Arthritis, Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel, Chemotherapy Nausea, Depression, Digestive Problems , Ear Problems, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Infections, cold, flu, Insomnia, Menstrual & Female Disorders, Muscle/Joint Pain, Post-operative Pain/Dental Pain, Sinusitus, Skin Disorders, Stroke Rehabilitation, Urinary Problems and more.
Closewhy try acupuncture? While acupuncture is widely known to relieve pain, it is also helpful for many conditions in which pain is not primary, including a wide variety of chronic conditions.
It can be used for almost any physical or emotional problem, or simply the desire to stay well. People use acupuncture for many different reasons. People who might particularly benefit include those:
With chronic pain or other symptoms not responding to Western medical treatment;
Who are taking a lot of medications are reluctant to take more, or interested in cutting back, or concerned about drug interactions;
For whom there are limited medical interventions, as with acute viral infections, nutritional and metabolic disorders, chronic degenerative diseases, allergies and auto-immune diseases, and certain mental condtitions, such as depression or anxiety;
Who feel as is something is “wrong” even though tests are inconclusive;
Whose symptoms seem to be associated with or worsened by stress (asthma, migraines, etc);
Who would like additional support for their prescribed treatment to help cope with side-effects or to improve vitality (to help with side effects of chemotherapy, for example);
Who are in basic good health and want to facilitate their well-being and prevent illness.
what does it feel like? The needles used to stimulate acupuncture points are very slender; barely beyond the thickness of a human hair.
The finest quality stainless steel, pre-sterilized, single-use, disposable needles are used. The sensation from the needle varies from person to person. You may feel nothing at all, a quick pinch or perhaps a heavy dull ache or tingle.
Closehow does acupuncture work? Acupuncture is based on the movement of qi (“chi”). Qi is the life-energy that circulates within channels to all organs of the body and enables them to function.
When the Qi in the body is plentiful and flowing freely, you thrive. If your qi is depleted or blocked, symptoms begin to arise. If the underlying condition is not addressed, your symptoms may progress to more serious illness or disease affecting you physical body, your mental clarity, your sense of joy in living, or your sense of purpose.
The body’s tendency is to self-correct imbalances in qi and maintain homeostasis, so we usually recover from most illness or emotional hurt in due course. Symptoms that remain, however, alert us to an imbalance on a deeper level. Acupuncture looks to the underlying disharmony and focuses treatment on both the root cause and the presenting symptoms. There are approximately 360 points that acupuncturist’s use to influence the qi. This is done using acupuncture needles and/or moxibustion. Over time, acupuncture rebalances the circulation of qi in the body.
Closewhat is ‘qi’? Qi is a chinese term that has no exact translation into English. Many people refer to it as energy, or a life force. Think of qi as function.
Qi is what makes your body do what your body needs to do. The heart pumps blood because it has qi, the lungs inflate and deflate because of qi. Without qi, these organs would still exist, but they would not function. Qi is the normal physiological function of the body and all its parts. When there is some pathology, it is when the qi flow or dynamic is interrupted, leading to malfunction.
Closedo I have to believe in acupuncture for it to work? Acupuncture has been used successfully with children and animals, neither of whom have preconceived beliefs about the effectiveness of acupuncture.
As with any healing modality, be it traditional western medicine or an alternative system such as acupuncture, a positive mental outlook and lifestyle can reinforce the effects of treatment, just as a negative attitude or lifestyle can hinder healing.
Closewhat about acupuncture and conventional medical care? Acupuncture can be undertaken at the same time that other treatment modalities and medications are being used.
Acupuncture is easily integrated into and used with conventional medicine. We recommend not altering medication or other therapies without consulting with your physician and provider. Acupuncture is not an exclusive healthcare modality. Acupuncture and western medicine work wonderfully together and often produce better results when integrated than either one singly. However, if you do not wish to pursue an integrative approach, please continue to see your doctor to monitor your condition as necessary and always inform them of the other healthcare modalities you are using as it is important for all your healthcare providers to know how you are managing your healthcare in order to provide the best care possible.
Closewhat training is required to become an acupuncturist? You must graduate from an approved and/or accredited school of acupuncture with a Masters Degree in Acupuncture or Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
Most U.S. states that license acupuncturists require graduation from a program that is accredited or that has candidacy status. In addition, virtually all states require passage of the national certification exam administered by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) to be eligible for state licensure. NCCAOM specifically requires graduation from an ACAOM accredited or candidate program to be eligible to sit for NCCAOM’s certification exam(s). Accredited programs around the country vary from school to school but generally training programs range from 3-4 years, including internship.
In the state of Oregon, acupuncturists are licensed by the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners, and require graduation from an accredited school and passage of the NCCAOM board exams. Please only receive acupuncture from a licensed practitioner. In the state of Oregon, Medical Doctors and Osteopaths can also practice acupuncture, but with significantly less training (often only 200 hours).
Closedo you accept insurance? We are considered an out of network provider for all insurance plans. If your policy covers out of network providers for acupuncture we will bill them for you. We do not currently accept PIP/MVA claims or workman's compensation claims. Medicare DOES NOT cover acupuncture (your part B supplement may note that you have acupuncture coverage in the case of chronic low back pain HOWEVER it is only covered when performed by a physician, NP, or PA or under supervision of a physician and therefore does not cover my services).
still have questions? Contact Alexis at 971/219.2394 or