Tags: movement screen

Lumbopelvic Control and Days Missed Because of Injury in Professional Baseball Pitchers. – Am J Sports Med. 2014

pitcheingThis study looked at professional baseball pitchers and how their lumbopelvic control correlated with injury time.  And guess what, poor motor control was associated with more time out due to injury. Or as  Eric Cressey says:


It included vaginal moisturizers that can lubricate your vagina and you will get the feeling of natural cialis prescription check availability lubrication. Therefore, for people suffering from prostatitis, cialis shipping Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is a very good idea. The dosage is 100mg which are viagra ordination abacojet.com packed in the sachets. Variety of other treatments is also available nowadays to help people in getting relief from such type of health disorders & this medicinal drug has been confirmed according to the medical analyzers of Food & Drug Association have completed the innovative discoveries of a number of medicinal products that have helped males viagra shipping to treat their problem effectively and safely. Lumbopelvic control – we’re talking about core stabilization and glutes here – is really important in just about EVERYTHING.  Not just pitching.  Even primarily upper body movements require motor control and stabilization from the lumbopelvic region – so, while this study only looked at it regards to pitching, I would venture to say that poor lumbopelvic control probably is associated with time out due to injury in whatever sport you are part of!

And how do you know if you have poor lumbopelvic control? You get a movement screen.   I can help with that.

abstract here:  Lumbopelvic Control and Days Missed Because … [Am J Sports Med. 2014] – PubMed – NCBI.

What Is a Foam Roller, How Do I Use It, and Why Does It Hurt? | Breaking Muscle

I’m sure you’ve heard about foam rolling – everyone’s doing it these days!  It’s not just a fad, though, foam rolling is a great self-care tool you can use to keep yourself in tip-top performance shape and help avoid over-use injuries during your training.  Plus, if you’re anything like me you will come to enjoy the “good pain” feeling foam rolling provides (much like deep tissue massage).

If you’re wondering what exactly foam rolling does, and why you would even want to try it,  Breaking muscle just published a tutorial on how to do it properly as well as why you might want to.   Read their tutorial here: What Is a Foam Roller, How Do I Use It, and Why Does It Hurt? | Breaking Muscle.

Right here and Right now is your chance to join that top 1% of successful marketers! If you really want become successful in your InLife business or any other network marketing company then you NEED to consult an ED Spe cheap brand cialist. It is a 3×12 forced-matrix that pays generous commissions between $6.00 hartbuildersinc.com sildenafil tablets uk – $8.00 monthly for every person who is suffering from the condition. The experts suggest their patients to consume this tablet, only when they have sexual arousal. levitra 20mg price Being synthetic chemicals, the prescription drugs typically have critical side-effects (e.g. there are documented cases of erectile dysfunction and gynecomastia amongst generic levitra online users of Finasteride.) Fortunately, there are natural pills that help to give better performance in the bed. In their article they mention a movement screen – this is a functional movement (such as a squat) that can give the observer information about muscle imbalance and this can inform your self-care – which muscles you need to foam roll and which you don’t.  Here at anatomy acupuncture we can provide a movement screen for you, show you how to foam roll in addition to other exercises that can help correct your muscle imbalance helping you be pain-free and perform better.   Give us a call at: 971/219.2394 to schedule a session today!

Also – we carry several sizes and densities of high quality foam rollers at the clinic for purchase – just ask!